Tag Archives: server 2012

DFS Namespace and Replication

There seems to be virtually no information regarding this issue on the web so I’ll post this as note2self.

======== SITE SETUP ==========

We are a 2 site setup, SiteA in europe and SiteB in asia. SiteA is the HQ and SiteB has a lot of subcontractors working there with AutoCad files.

– At SiteA we have a server hosting a share with a lot of files and folders, I will simplify the structure to [\\ServerA\Data\Subfolder1\Subfolder2\Subfolder3].

– SiteA also has DFS-N setup as [\\domain.local\SiteA\Data] pointing to [\\ServerA\Data]. This allows all users regardless of site to access ServerA’s data through DFS-N.

Contained in [Subfolder3] is large data that we would like to replicate to SiteB to speedup data access for asia users. So we have setup a share on SiteB [\\ServerB\DFSData\Subfolder3] and are using DFS-R to replicate data to that share from [\\ServerA\Data\Subfolder1\Subfolder2\Subfolder3]. This works fine. All files are replicated.

We also setup a common drive mapping for both sites [G:\] that uses DFS-N path [\\domain.local\SiteA\Data] as entry point. This means that both sites now can access [Subfolder3] through [G:\\Subfolder1\Subfolder2\Subfolder3].

========= SITE SETUP END ==========

It seem DFS-N and DFS-R must use the same entry path for DFS to access the correct server. This demands using two (2) drive mappings to solve the above problem. Let me make a simple example from the post above.

CORRECT use of DFS-N/R to solve OP problem

Mapped Drive 1: G:\ = \\domain.local\SiteA\Data

  • DFS-N Path: \\ServerA\Data
  • DFS-N: \\domain.local\SiteA\Data
  • DFS-R: Not activated on this DFS-N

Mapped Drive 2: R:\ = \\domain.local\SiteA\Subfolder3

  • DFS-N Path: \\ServerA\Data\Subfolder1\Subfolder2\Subfolder3
  • DFS-N Name: \\domain.local\SiteA\Subfolder3
  • DFS-R Pri: \\ServerA\Data\Subfolder1\Subfolder2\Subfolder3
  • DFS-R Sec: \\ServerB\DFSData\Subfolder3


Mapped Drive 1: G:\ = \\domain.local\SiteA\Data

  • Share: \\ServerA\Data
  • DFS-N: \\domain.local\SiteA\Data
  • DFS-R Pri: \\ServerA\Data\Subfolder1\Subfolder2\Subfolder3
  • DFS-R Sec: \\ServerB\DFSData\Subfolder3

The issue with DFS-N/R seems to be the need for the DFS-N path to match that of the DFS-R Pri replication path. When DFS-N path and DFS-R path are a miss math the DFS Client on the workstations does not locate the locally replicated files (even thouth they are in fact replicated to ServerB).

Hope this can help anyone in the future!

Good luck with you DFS project

Merge Differencing Disks in HyperV 2012R2 / 2012

Merging differencing disks in Hyper-V 2012R2 is as easy as diskpart. Our new best friend 🙂 Follow the steps below and be upp and running in no time!

NB! The parent and the child VHD(X) must be Read/Write and NOT connected to VM guest. If alls well the child vmdisk WILL be deleted from storage!

  1. Open CommandLine (cmd) as Admin
  2. Dig down to you’re differencing disk image (VHD/VHDX)
  3. Type “diskpart
  4. Type “select vdisk file=<path to differencing disk image>
  5. Type “merge vdisk depth=1

How can this be?
When you create a differencing disk, there’s a parent-child relationship between the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) files. The differencing disk contains only the changes from its master disk.

Migrate DHCP from Windows Server 2003 to Server 2012

This guide will crash course you on migrating DHCP from 2003 to 2012. Basic admin knowledge is advisable.

  1. First install DHCP services on Server2012
  2. Authorize the new DHCP server on the domain
  3. Validate the authorization
    1. On the old server execute this command in prompt:
      netsh dhcp show server
    2. Check that BOTH servers are listed
  4. On the old Server 2003 export the current DHCP configuration
    1. netsh dhcp server <\\servername> export <c:\filename> all
  5. On the new Server 2012, import the DHCP configuration
    1. Shutdown DHCP service
    2. Delete c:\windows\system32\DHCP\dhcp.mdb
    3. Start the DHCP service
    4. netsh dhcp server <\\servername> import <c:\filename>
    5. Restart DHCP service

Now you’re done!

Source: Technet Blogs

Changing network type Win8/Server2012

Changing the network type on Win8/Server2012 has change since Win7. Now you have to switch this in local group policy intead. Here is a step-by-step how to change it:

  1. Type WinKey+R
  2. Type gpedit.msc, hit enter
  3. Browse down to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Setting > Network List Manager Policies
  4. Dubbelclick on you desired network
  5. Click on tab “Network Location”
  6. Under “Location Type” set the value that you want.
  7. Close gpedit.msc

Now your all done

1-Local Group Policy Editor 2- Properties